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Red Flowering Currant


Ribes sanguineum. This very showy Pacific Northwest native grows well from western Canada into California. It’s beautiful fragrant blossoms have earned it a reputation as a desirable ornamental in the garden, although its berries are rather dull and small and not of much interest for fruit harvest. It has been cultivated as an ornamental. Cultivars come in red, pink and white. This native version is red-flowering with 2 inch soft leaves that are smooth on top and finely haired beneath. The upright arching form when full of flowers looks stunning against an early spring green backdrop. Plant it for its delightful fragrance and beauty and you’ll also be rewarded with happy songbirds, more butterflies, local native pollinators and hummingbirds in the garden. A strong and relatively easy plant to grow, it requires little care and maintenance and is not susceptible to many diseases or problems. It is considered an alternate host to white pine blister rust which can severely impact western white pine trees.

USDA regulations prohibit shipping of Ribes species to the following states: DE, MA, ME, MI, NC, NH, RI, SC, VA, and WV.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Botanical Name

Ribes sanguineum


5-9, does best west of the Cascades


Thrives in rocky, sandy and clay soils with good drainage


Full to mostly full sun


Upright multi-stemmed deciduous flowering bush grows upright up to 10 feet with arching branches of smooth green leaves with fine white hairs on the under-side


5-10 feet


4-5 feet


6 feet


Clusters of bright red small flowers which seem to cover the stems in delicate clusters. Highly fragrant blooms from April-May.

Ripening Time



Small black fruit in fall important to wildlife, berries are rather dull and uninteresting in flavor and are used mostly for wines or jams or left for wildlife.

Pollinator Friendly

Yes, flowers important for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, fruits important for local wildlife and songbirds


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