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Layeroka Chestnut


(Crenata x Dentata or Crenata x Dentata x Sativa) Layeroka is a winter hardy blight resistant hybrid chestnut hailing from British Columbia, Canada. This tree is a strong producer and grows vigorously with upright tree from. It bears lots of sweet medium-sized nuts that fall free from the bur and drop early.

Layeroka is pollen sterile and needs a pollinizer tree to produce nuts. Good pollinizers for Layeroka are Myoka, Skioka, Belle Epine, Maraval, Marigoule, and Marsol.

Layeroka seedlings tend to produce good nuts.

Layeroka is a hybrid that originated at the Gellatly nut farm in British Columbia in the early 20th century. The Gellatly trees were likely a crenata x dentata hybrid or crenata x dentata x sativa hybrid. Layeroka is often categorized as a sativa x mollisima hybrid but does not show genetics typical for Chinese chestnuts.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Botanical Name

Castanea crenata x dentata 'Layeroka'



Chill Hours



Well drained, mildly acidic (pH 4.5-6.5), drought tolerant, not flood tolerant


Full sun to partial shade


This is a pollen sterile tree and will need a pollenizer

Years to Bear



Vigorous, upright erect timber form, deciduous


40-60 feet




Large showy creamy yellow-white blossoms emerge in June, early season

Ripening Time

Early to mid season ripening


Productive, with lots of medium sized sweet nuts with good flavor, fall free of the bur and drop early, but poor pellicle removal and not a good storage nut

Pollinator Friendly

Yes, especially honey bees

Special Notes

This variety readily propagates by layering. Developed in BC Canada, very cold hardy.


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