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Colossal Chestnut


Colossal Chestnuts produce large meaty nuts with a rich sweet flavor and smooth texture. The nuts are exceptionally large: 11 to 16 nuts per pound! Colossal begins producing at a young age. Mature height can reach 40 to 60 feet and it makes an attractive shade tree.

Bloom time is early: 3 to 4 weeks in June or July depending on climate (later in colder climates.) Colossal is pollen sterile and you’ll need at least one tree of another chestnut variety with similar bloom time for pollination and nut production. Good pollinators for Colossal are Precoce Migoule, Okei, Nevada, and Silverleaf, but any variety with viable pollen and early bloom time will work.

Colossal seedling trees are popular with chestnut orchard growers providing strong healthy trees with prolific, early and reliable nut production.  While they will not produce as early as grafted or layered trees, their robust health and lack of susceptibility to borers makes them a preferred choice for this nut tree.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Botanical Name

Castanea crenata x sativa 'Colossal'

Chill Hours



Well drained, mildly acidic (pH 4.5-6.5), drought tolerant, not flood tolerant


Full sun


Pollen sterile, needs a pollinizer

Years to Bear



Upright spreading deciduous tree


40-60 feet


35 feet


25-35 feet


Showy creamy white blossoms emerge in June

Ripening Time

Mid September to October


Very large creamy textured, sweet and mellow flavored nuts in easy open burs

Pollinator Friendly

Yes, the prolific and abundant flowers of chestnuts provide a major food source for many pollinators

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