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Walnut Trees

Walnut (Juglans). Walnuts are fast growing prolific nut and timber producing trees that make excellent homestead, landscape and orchard trees. Walnuts do well planted out in open areas or middle to outer permaculture zones as shade trees for livestock or on the perimeters of pastures or food forests. Their fast growth and prolific nut production make them valuable additions to any homestead.

Juglone and hydroxyjuglone, the colorless, odorless substance converted into the toxic form juglone by sensitive plants is found on the leaves, buds, roots and nut hulls. It is most prominent in Black walnut (Juglans nigra) and Butternut (Juglans cinerea) but is present to a lesser degree in all English and Persian walnuts (Juglans Regia) as well as hickory (Carya). For a complete chart of plants tolerant to juglone the following article is highly recommended: https://extension.psu.edu/landscaping-and-gardening-around-walnuts-and-other-juglone-producing-plants

Although walnuts are considered self-fertile, for substantial nut crop production a pollenizer is needed.

USDA regulations prohibit shipping of Juglans species to the following states: AR, AZ, CA, IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MO, MS, NE, TX, and WV.

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